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Copywriting Rates

As I’m sure you already know, setting copywriting rates is a tricky business. Applying a generic fee across the board doesn’t take into account the different sorts of content that need to be written, the amount of research that goes into the writing, the complexity of the task, whether re-writes are required…

It’s therefore almost impossible to give you a straight figure for what our copywriting services might cost your company – we need to evaluate our fee on a case-by-case basis. This ensures that both we both get a fair and considered deal for the job

Whilst there are a great deal of companies out there that will set an hourly rate, we find that this doesn’t work – with additional costs to the client often a cause for concern.

BUT HOW DO YOU DO IT? You’re screaming, or Googling, I suppose.

Well there are lots of things we have to take into consideration in order to set our copywriting fees. The fullness of the moon notwithstanding, here are the things that we need to take into consideration when setting copywriting rates.

Setting Copywriting Rates in 7 Steps

How Much Needs To Be Written?

Does this really need to be explained? I don’t think so, but form dictates that you need to write something underneath a heading. Do you want a 400 page dossier written? A leaflet – a 40 page website? We need to know…


How Much Research Needs To Be Undertaken?

Do you want us to write about fluid mechanics in relation specifically to plasma and how it interacts with the magnetic force? Are you looking for a simple explanation for how vape pens work? A couple of pages for your chiropractics website?

The amount of research going into each of these subjects will differ considerably.


Are There Additional Tasks?

Will we have to create questionnaires for your sales staff in order to understand your clients’ processes and language? Are we going to have to send someone down a mine to conduct an interview? These things take time and resources…


Do We Need To Be Creative?

All jobs will require some degree of creativity, but how much varies wildly from client to client. Are you looking for something that will create a real emotive response from your audience? That will require a real creative flair… Likewise a simple explanation for how your roofing company works won’t require a such a mouthful of our creative juices…

Ok, that sounds gross, but you get what I mean.


How Much Does Copywriting Cost?

This sounds like a bit of a stupid inclusion in this list, doesn’t it? But bear with me…

If we want the job, we need to set a rate that will pay us fairly for our years of experience in the industry, but also give you a rate that is competitive. We know what our time will cost, but can we justify these costs to you?


Have You Developed a Brand Voice Already?

Copywriting is all about informing, engaging and selling. One of the key factors to achieve this is consistency. People trust brands that they can recognise and whose materials are built to create a true, unique and identifiable voice. If you’ve done all this already then our job is made a great deal easier. We will tailor our work to fit in with your brand.

Don’t have a brand manifesto? A developed personality? Well, we’re going to have to do that with you in order to ensure that our copy is as effective as it can be. That is a lot of work, a lot of very important work.


Are You In a Rush?

If you’re looking for something turned around real quick, we need to charge a bit more. Why? Because that means we’re bound to be working overtime to fit your schtuff around what we’ve already got scheduled.

We like our evenings and weekends…


Deciding the Copywriting Rate

So as you can see there’s a lot to it. Each of these factors will vary wildly from client to client and combining all 7 requires a complex algorithm finely honed over years of practice.

What is the equation?… Now that would be telling…

To get a free quotation on a job just get in touch and we’ll happily come up with something for you…

HOWEVER! Just to put your mind at ease we’ve come up with a rate card for you to download so that you can get an idea of content writing costs. Remember that this is just a general overview, a proper fee will be proposed after an initial consultation of your needs and requirements.

Download our Copywriting Rates Card & see the average costs for:

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